Tuesday, January 4, 2011

destined for a corner office

Maaike's physical therapist Betsy, which is not her real name- only the name she goes by, made this custom chair to help Maaike work on her self-sitting. We lovingly call it "the cubical". This is where Maaike sits to eat as she is still too small for her highchair (we had to add a phone book to prop up our little miss in the cubical too). Looks to me like the cubical is in line for a little decorating.
We have started solid foods for Maaike with some veggies. Looking at her tongue you would probably think, "Well there is just no room for anything else in there." And you would be right. In fact, we have to use the handle end of the spoon to feed her because the actual spoon is too large to fit in her mouth. But, every now and again we manage to get a few ounces of pureed peas down the hatch.

None the less the cubical has done its job as Miss Maaike has found her tiny sit bones.

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